
The Calcium Approach

For all projects, Calcium adheres to the following process because it yields more consistent and reliable results. If you'd like to talk to us more about this, please get in touch.

Explore the challenges first

All software projects solve a unique problem. Early meetings with Calcium clients are about crystallising what that problem is and how your software will solve it.

Map the possibilities

Calcium help their clients through this process by helping them to create concepts and user journeys. These documents, although flexible, provide the thrust to the entire project.

Agree an approach

Calcium will provide a proposal which details exactly how the project will proceed. If further skills and stakeholders are required, they will be brought in at this point. Projects do not proceed without full buy in from everyone on the line.

Deliver a solution

Timelines are crucial to any business. In Calcium, the projects are managed by an experienced project manager. Accurate schedules are provided at the beginning of the project and maintained throughout. Any changing requirements are reflected promptly. For larger, long-term projects, Calcium will agree a schedule of phased deliveries so that our clients can see their product take shape.


Protoyping a software project provides a low cost method of ensuring all your software resolves all the requirements you set out at the beginning. Skipping this pilot step means betting your budget on a project that could reveal something previously unknown about your idea. Prototyping a project before high quality designs or development are deployed is faster and more cost effective.